Monday, April 26, 2010
On Mira Costa campus in Oceanside there is an art and music building that lacks inspiration and color. In doing this project, I hope to inspire other artists that use this building. The colors are bright and provoke happiness. I think this piece would lift people's spirits.
In San Francisco there is an artist named Jetro Martinez. He has a piece up in Clarion Alley in the Mission that is amazing. He inspires me because he paints a lot of plants and geometric designs. His art gave me the idea to cover a wall in a pattern. -Jessica Fuller
The project that I am proposing is for a room with windows that overlooks the Mira Costa campus in Oceanside. I chose to impose inspirational photos upon the different square windows in this particular room that is overlooking the campus. I wanted to add color and inspiring images to these windows because I think it will bring a feeling of creativity and ambition to those students and faculty members that happen to be viewing them. I chose to do this because it seems that there is a lack of not only color within the design of the Oceanside campus, but a lack of emphasis upon art and the creativity and passion that it has the power of evoking in students. I thought that maybe if we were to create more of an environment of creative learning through art, then maybe students and faculty members would find that coming to school is a more enjoyable learning experience on the whole.
I found inspiration for this project by browsing through the Stuart Collection. The work that I found particularly impressionable was the work of John Baldessari. His work at the UCSD library was very interesting and innovative. At the entrance to the Geisel Library (where he did his work on READ/WRITE/THINK/DREAM) is comprised of a wall of eight ten-foot high glass panels flanking two pairs of automatic sliding doors. Onto each of these panels Baldessari placed photographic images of UCSD students standing atop a row of shelved books. In doing this.."they became part of the architectural structure – like a Greek temple using the figures as columns, the books as their bases."
-Alicia Morgan
Castle Made of Sand- Rachel Brown
The public art piece that I propose to do is a castle mural of one of the buildings on the Mira Costa campus. This will add a whimsical feeling to any building, and hopefully even transport students to another place, away from the hustle, bustle, and stress of campus life.
For this project I was influenced by several of the artists who did public art on the UCSD campus, especially those with a more fanciful quality, such as Barbara Kruger.
This mural will make campus a better place because it will provide pleasant distraction from the monotonous and drab architecture of campus. This proposal should win the public art competition because is both an aesthetic escape from bland buildings of campus and a diversion from the sometimes stressful life of a Mira Costa student.
Tower of the Sun - Shea Thompson
I chose to turn the average clock tower we have on campus into a more ancient cultural monument for people to appreciate. I was mostly influenced by Jackie Ferrara, who has designed and built courtyards, terraces, and architecture structures since the early 1970s. I enjoyed her work because she takes simple boring architecture and would alter it to make it become more appreciative. I took wall designs from Aztec ruins and the Sri Yantras' from the Middle East. I believe it will make the campus a better place because by turning this modern looking clock tower into artwork which looks more cultural takes you away from where you are and gives people a chance to relax and feel less stressed by the troubles of school.
-Shea Thompson
modern art and music-eric jimenez
I was inspired by Jackie Ferrara from the Stuart collection. She emerged in the seventies and by using the forms and materials usually associated with architecture in order to enrich the definition of sculpture and challenge the assumptions and conventions of the typical built environment, I propose that by associating the art and music building with a mural of jazz players and a violin with music notes that it will inspire students to join and display both their music and art abilities and talents. I think it will make the campus a better place by providing visual inspiration. -Eric Jimenez
A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies – Ginni Kitchen
Following the lead of Alexis Smith, the innovative artist who slithered a snake onto an existing path at UCSD for the Stuart Collection, I propose that the drinking fountains at Mira Costa College become resting spots for kaleidoscopes of butterflies. Each drinking fountain would host a different brightly colored species native to California, beginning with the glorious Monarch butterfly shown in my example. This would be a relatively easy and inexpensive way of brightening our drab campus.
- Ginni Kitchen